B.A. (J&MC) 1st 2018-19

Session 2018-19 : Odd Semester

Notice Board

Class Schedule:
Lecture No:
3-4th (11:0-12:00)AM
5-6th (2:00-4:00)PM
3-4th (11-12:)PM

Strength: 30


40 Marks for Internal Assessment have been divided as following:

5 Marks-
Viva on submitted assignment
5 Marks- Written assignment on Role and Importance of English
10-Marks-Written assignment on Whole Unit 4-Personality Development
20 Marks- For two best out of three CTs.

Extra Assignments for personality development:

  1. submission of 2 minutes video recording for analysis and being played on projected screen
  2. submission of audio recording to check contents organisation and delivery.
  3. making of questions in the classroom to check students' critical thinking and knowledge.
  4. One individual and group PowerPoint presentation to get them skilled in presentation.
  5. Viva to assess their individual levels of skills and knowledge.

Syllabus Hyperlinked:

 English Communication and Soft Skills – I (BJMC-199) 

Objective: To comprehend and communicate in simple English 

Module -1: Introduction to English language (6 Lectures)
  1. Role and significance of English language in the present scenario
  2. English Language: Its relevance for the Indian industry
  3. Introduction to Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing (LSRW) and benchmarking of the class
Module -2: Phonetics& Functional Grammar (14 Lectures)
  1. Pronunciation and daily usage correction (speak with differences between p/b, s/sh, f/ph, t/d, v/w sounds)
  2. Parts of speech, articles, tenses, verbs and modals
  3. Practice of daily use words, numerals and tongue twisters
  4. Vocabulary building, Construction of simple sentences: Basic sentence pattern, subject and Predicate
Module -3: English Communication- About Myself (14 Lectures)
  1. Let’s talk, making conversation, meeting and greeting
  2. Introducing myself, my family and my friends
  3. My opinions, my likes and dislikes
  4. Life at college, hostel and workplace
Module -4: Personality Development-I (8 Lectures)
  1. First impression: Dressing sense, good manners, speaking well and respectably
  2. Positive Attitude: Being happy and alert, a good listener and a good friend
  3. Consultation among peers: Soliciting advice and giving advice
  4. Goal setting, confidence building& handling rejection
Reference Books: 
1. TMU-ILFS English Communication & Soft Skills, TMU &ILFS Skill Development Corporation 
2. English Grammar Composition & Usage by J.C. Nesfield, Macmillan Publishers 
3. The Business letters by Madan Sood, Goodwill Publishing House, New Delhi 
 4. Communication Skills by Sanjay Kumar &PushpLata, Oxford University Press 

Man works throughout his life for being accepted in the society but in the last hours of his life he wants God to accept him.

...by Rashid Richmind