
Existential Questions:

Q1: - What do you think are you born for?
Q2: - What would you be doing if you were financially free?
Q3: - To substantiate the void of your consumption, how are you contributing to society?
Q4: - With all the resources: Time, Energy, Money, Knowledge, Skills and Experiences that Allah has bestowed upon you, what are you giving back as a service to humankind?


I am interested in education to help my students develop a solution-oriented mindset: That is, Creativity, Problem-Solving Skills, Decision Making, Communication and Confidence. Instead of making them corporate-ready only, I am interested in the holistic development of human life: That is, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Financial Development. Additionally, I would help them leverage their work, harnessing the power of technology.

Man works throughout his life for being accepted in the society but in the last hours of his life he wants God to accept him.

...by Rashid Richmind