
    1. Love leads to ignore all the faults and hatred leads to filter out all the faults by default.
    2. Man works throughout his life for being accepted in the society, in the last hours of his life he wants God to accept him.
    3. All that attracts doesn't lead to satisfaction but leads to boredom. Something which is chosen out of wisdom does lead to satisfaction. 
    4. Language is the verbalization of our perceptions.
    5. Flexibility in your personality credits a lot in your success.
    6. Train your body to follow your conscience. 
    7. Maturity does not come with age, it comes by thinking and observation.
    8. Once you have decided to do something, even the God shall not stop you.
    9. If you can verbalize the non-verbals, you have learned the art of communication.
    10. Your personality is the true certificate of your learning.
    11. The universe is flexible. It changes the way you think. So always think positively. 
    12. Since I started taking everything as an opportunity to learn rather than taking as a burden, the speed of my progress has got doubled.
    13. Explore enough to get to the large exposure so that it can form your wide perception so that it can give you the different perspectives so that it can lead you to wide thinking so that it can lead you to deep understanding. 
    14. The moment we start realizing what we have got, our mental state changes to positive and heart starts getting contented. That's the moment of true happiness. And vice versa.
    15. Changes in present result in future. So don't worry about future, worry about present.
    16. If you make people around you happy, you shall be happy.
    17. Enjoy the life the way it is.
    18. When man responds we listen but when God responds we see.
    19. Always be grateful to those who participated in making and shaping the personality you have today.
    20. Sometimes, our body is not trained enough to follow our conscience.
    21. Enjoy the process; not the achievement.
    22. Man speaks of either past memory or present perception or future imagination.
    23. Language is less of knowledge; more of a skill. Anything that requires lots of practice is called skill. Hence, Language is nothing but a combination of four skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
    24. Unless you can't make someone feel what you feel you are not an effective communicator.
    25. When I speak through my experiences you say it philosophical statements. when I speak through your experience you say it communication skill.
    26. Expectation and comparison are the two headache of mankind.
    27. Sin is too costly to be afforded twice.
    28. The image that you create in their minds is the reflection of your personality.
    29. Gratitude is the only way to feel rich, satisfied and happy.  
    30. A teacher should never come to class to deliver a speech but they should come to converse with the students.
    31. If you can interpret every situation positively, you are the most contented person on this earth.
    32. Your personality is the real certificate of your learning.
    33. Beyond every interpretations there is one truth which you reach through holistic approach to meet the oneness of Allah.
    34. Do for man and expect from Almighty, never expect from man or you will be betrayed.
    35. At least one of your skills should shine bright enough to make you different from others. So sharpen your skills to make you proud of yourself.
    36. The more you do, the more you get skilled.
    37. Value of someone or something depends on situational demand of human needs.
    38. Satisfaction is the ultimate reality of success.
    39. All the services, be it natural or man-made, turns to be the worst or the best for you depending on your deeds.
    40. The more control you have on your vehicle, the faster you can move it. In the same way the more control you have upon yourself, the faster you can move in life growth.
    41. The day when your words and actions will sync, people will start getting inspired by you.
    42. What is good and what is bad depends on the perspective you see through.
    43. Writers give us a perspective to see the world through. Reading gives us the positive thought.
    44. The language you think in or the language you use while thinking is your first language.
    45. Make your mind process in the language you want to be proficient in throughout the hours you stay awake.
    46. To be sensitive to other's feeling is the most important part of your personality.
    47. Always be grateful to those who contributed in making you who you are today and would be tomorrow.
    48. You see your Past through your memory, your Future by your imagination power and Present with your sensory organs. So try to concentrate more on your sensory organs.
    49. Everyone in this world is beautiful, only it's our perspectives that differ.
    50. The world is not always what we wish it to be.
    51. Humans are apparently social animals unless they leave living for themselves.
    52. There is no point in being Encyclopedia if education can't help you show positive behavioral changes.
    53. Your action and intention in it result into something which we call Luck.
    54. Success Formula: Guidance>>Self-realization>>Work on weaknesses smartly>> Get what you want!
    55. It is question that opens the mind.
    56. Disturbance is the state of mind, nothing else.
    57. Exposure and curiosity are responsible for how knowledgeable you are.
    58. Form a habit of ignoring if you want to stay calm because distractions are all around.
    59. No matter what level of education you have reached, all is in vain if it does not help improve your behavior.
    60. Evil characteristics exist in every human being but the good human is one who controls them and shows good character.
    61. There are two things that matter most-One Eyes and other one Ears. The misuse of these two organs will cause your mind disorder and spoil the entire life.
    62. If you do not want to feel boredom out of your life, you should always have a positive goal.
    63. Life is an opportunity to create a new life. The harder you work, the more you get in life here and hereafter.
    64. Syllabus is just an opener, not the whole of course. If you want to get degree, you can confined to it.
    65. The only philosophy of every successful person is to grow up every single day.
    66. Process of Study: 
    67. 1- reading > thinking > speaking > writing
    68. 2- listening > thinking > speaking > writing
    69. Never let the Past waste your time, focus on the future and work in the present.
    70. Accurate Answer Formulae:
    71. Keywords + Idea = Content
    72. Content + Language+Organization = Best Answer
    73. No matter how talkative you are; but the major part of your talk should be with yourself.
    74. What you can do does not matter; what you have done does matter.
    75. Pass every single night as the night before the examination unless you get to the goal.
    76. The most influential people in the world have lived their lives by need, not by desire.
    77. In order to get to your goal in the least time you need to measure daily how much you have got to; how much work you have done today towards your goal. you have to work on your weaknesses.
    78. My happiness has always been hidden in chasing a goal.
    79. Do not care the criticism of the common people in which you are confident to be right.
    80. The best time of yours is that which is spent in worship or in acquiring knowledge.
    81. How long something will remain in your memory depends upon how emotionally you take it.
    82. The person who does not use his knowledge is like the person who has no knowledge.
    83. On the basis of knowledge every brain tells them what is right or wrong but they do what their hearts are derived for.
    84. Either you get yourself better than previous day or you waste one day of your precious life.
    85. Study either in a way that can develop your interest or do the work you are interested in. This is the only way to get success.
    86. Always think about what you are gaining with the time: In this way you can easily utilize your time.
    87. Study by making target of a lesson that you should read; thus you can gain something.
    88. Interest can be generated by keeping oneself in the environment of which is to be acquired.
    89. First improve your present state then the past and the future will automatically be improved.
    90. Most of the time people come to you for they have axes to grind.
    91. Awareness is knowledge, Knowledge is awareness!
    92. The only thing I can do is nothing and the Only One that can do anything is Allah.
    93. There are two things that productive study can not take place without; they are physical energy and curiosity.
    94. Dreaming leads to greed, greed leads to curiosity then we need patience and physical energy; and with consistency of preparation we get the right place.
    95. If you fined someone or something pleasant in your life and you are happy, it goes without saying that you will be sad on being distant. And the level of your sadness depends on your attachment to them.
    96. Except parents' love, all types of love in the world are dishonest. They love because their interest is hidden within you. Love them enough to let them go.
    97. Past memory gives you pain, future imagination gives you pleasure, the present is neutral, that indulges you neither in pain nor in pleasure. Choice is yours.
    98. Either love what you do or do what you love. This is the secret of success.
    99. Always judge the man by his action not by his statement; and you will never be deceived.
    100. There is a woman who loves you more than anyone in this world She has no expectation from you other than your happiness; She is your mother.
    101. The language you think in or the language you use while thinking is your first language.
    102. Love in the west refers to the notion of having physical intimacy with someone while in the East it has notion of having someone in your marriage. However, love is sacred thing, completely detached to all these notions.
    103. None could I find bad when I saw with love, nor could I find any good in them when I saw with hatred.
    104. Spirituality is a positive force which let you achieve anything for your life here and hereafter.
    105. Turn everything you do into worship as the purpose of worldly life is to submit completely to the will of the Creator.
    106. Love is the waste of time but love with Allah is the investment of time.

Man works throughout his life for being accepted in the society but in the last hours of his life he wants God to accept him. Rashid Richmind