Types of Words

These words will be asked in Midway Viva for 20 marks.
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Reference: BBC English

  • Synonyms are words with the same or similar meaning:
  • Words such as happy, cheerful and merry.
  • Words such as sad, miserable and heartbroken.

  • Antonyms are words with opposite meanings:

  • Words such as angry and peaceful.
  • Words such as funny and serious.
You can use a thesaurus to find synonyms and antonyms for words.

  •  A homograph is a word that has the same spelling as another word but has a different sound and a different meaning:
  • lead (to go in front of)/lead (a metal)
  • wind (to follow a course that is not straight)/wind (a gust of air)
  • bass (low, deep sound)/bass (a type of fish)
  • homophone is a word that has the same sound as another word but is spelled differently and has a different meaning:
  • to/two/too
  • there/their/they're
  • pray/prey

  • A word that is spelled like another but has a different sound and meaning (homograph); a word that sounds like another but has a different spelling and meaning (homophone


  • A word that is spelled and pronounced like another but has a different meaning (homograph and homophone)

  • So does a homonym have to be both a homograph and a homophone, or can it be just one or the other? As with most things in life, it depends on whom you ask.

  • In the strictest sense, a homonym must be both a homograph and a homophone. So say many dictionaries. However, other dictionaries allow that a homonym can be a homograph or a homophone.

Man works throughout his life for being accepted in the society but in the last hours of his life he wants God to accept him.

...by Rashid Richmind