
01/04/2018.                               Letter No. 1

Oh Almighty!

Language determines the thought so I can not express the whole of what I want to say in thy praise. However, I agree to each of your judgements. This is also an expression of your praise and admiration in disguise. My words do not allow me to say everything but, Thou, the Omnipresent, feels my feeling. All that I feel good is due to the impact of your presence in me. I have been influential to hundreds of people but it was due to your presence in me. I realise I am nothing but of something that is your presence in me. Please, forgive me if I have ever been dishonest to thee.

02/04/2018.                             Letter No. 2

The Supreme Power!

Oh Lord of the universe, The Designer of this complex system, the One who controls the whole system!

As per my observation, there are two types of lives people live in this world. Majority of the people do not realise the happiness in the present, the intrinsic pleasure in living life and in doing everything. They get stuck either in past memories or future imagination. They get happiness in the feeling of nostalgia. They are never satisfied with the present (thy decisions). There are people of another category, who are very rare. For them, there is no existence of the past and the future. They enjoy every single moment and every tiny task they do. They realise the intrinsic pleasure in being (the existence). They are satisfied with whatever they face. They are not bound by time. They are not scared of any insecurity because they rely on Thee. They are engaged in the present to the extent that they have a feel of heaven. They forget the Past and never imagine a life better than the present one because they are satisfied (happy). These people are very rare.

I place myself somewhere in the second type of the people. Although, not to the degree that is required because one has to live a life beyond the impulses (evil desires of human) and I am still to a certain degree trapped by Nafs (the evil desire).

I am writing this letter to Thee to pull me out of the trap of Nafs and place me fully/entirely in the category of the people who live the life not bound by the time. The feeling of thy presence in everything is heavenly pleasure. The realisation of this feeling makes us forget the time and the place.

Yours Believer,

03/04/2018.                             Letter No. 3

Dear Almighty!
You are All and the Whole!

I do not realise that I consume your bounties every single moment. And this reluctance in my nature leads to commit sin. Otherwise, there is no point in making sin after I have accepted You and recognised You.

I breathe, the air is yours.
I drink, the water is yours.
I sleep, the land(earth) is yours.

I can not deny the fact that there are so many people who are suffering from diseases and You have kept me safe from all diseases. My heart is pumping smoothly and my lungs are breathing smoothly. Just I do not realise all these bounties which I enjoy round the clock, and happen to do something which is forbidden.

You have all power over me but You decided to let me make my own choices and decisions. And this is what misleads me. I am a poor reader of the messages that You have hidden in the universe. The whole universe is interacting me but most of the time I fail to decode the message. For the moment when I am fortunate enough to read the omens I feel Your presence around me and that’s the moment when I forget the place and the time. At that point in time, I become the happiest soul on the planet and can never think of committing sin.

Therefore, this letter is intended to pray to you to enable me for two things:
1- To read the omens every time.
2- To realise I am consuming your bounties every single moment and being healthy (free from all diseases).

-With hope to have more,
Rashid, the slave.

05/04/2018.                              Letter No. 4

Thy Praise Oh Majesty!
All praise is to Thee! Your Knowledge, Your power and Your Policy!

Despite being optimist, my heart lament for it is difficult to understand why I commit sin. Referring to the heavenly book the holy Quran, the purpose of the existence of humankind are:

—To worship Thee.
—To avoid committing sin.
—To lead people towards the true goal.

While doing above all with purity of intention, which is in the name of Allah, is the most important on which the weightage lies.

Everything is so easy except for keeping away from what is forbidden. There is a powerful force within us which compel to do what is forbidden. There are so many ways to lessen down that evil force inside us but we fail to do so. Oh my lord! Despite all the effort to be a good bondsman, I still fall in the same category of the people who do not care what is accepted to Thee and what not.

I am writing this letter to Thee, heartily requesting to pull me out forcefully from the kinds of people who do not care what is accepted to Thee and blindly follow their inner evil desire.

—With hope to get fully improvement,
--Poor Rashid

15/04/2018.                              Letter No. 5

Dear God!

The Whole Knowledge!
The Whole Power!
The Whole Light!
Thy Underlying Presence!

The most of the most important things that I have got from Thee is the ray of Imaan, which is the minimum requirement for the pleasure in the life hereafter.

The second most of the most important things that I have got from Thee is the human body, which is the gamut of all pleasure in the world.

There is nothing beyond the body: Pain or pleasure, happiness or sadness, love or hatred, anger or affection, praise or insult, respect or jealousy, shock or surprise, misery or philanthropy, hunger or loss of appetite, bankruptcy or prosperity and health or diseases. All are just feelings inside the body depending on our thought process. Everything in every forms in the world are stimuli and get us stimulated. It is our thought and mind which decides which one is to use to be reinforced. Pain and pleasure are chemical signals to our minds that the stimuli being received are pleasant or unpleasant.

Longing or contentment, likes or dislikes, satisfaction or dissatisfaction- all are the kinds of feelings reflected by external stimuli. Our memory and imagination may cause variety of feelings to happen but all are inside our body and controlled by our mind.

—Bodily pleasure (food, sleep, intimacy etc.)
—Mental pleasure (knowledge , thinking, meditation, intellectual discussion etc.)
—Spiritual pleasure (doing everything in the presence of Allah, conforming to His laws)

Above mentioned types of pleasure are felt inside our body. So, is it not the human body which is the most important of all?

Allah! The whole universe you have designed to stimulate us. Being happy or sad is our choice. In case of happiness, being loyal and grateful, moreover, In case of sadness, being patient and bearing is our responsibility.

Dear Allah! No doubt, a man can be happy having nothing but a healthy body. And a man, having the whole universe with him can not be happy without a healthy body.

—Thanking You with the hope to feel your presence all the time.

02/05/2018.                             Letter No. 6

Most Loving Allah!

Today, I am here to talk about some special finding that I realised lately. That is nothing but the moment when I commit sin is captured by You and me only as per my perception. I have got five senses and they have limitations. Either they can perceive or they can verify on the basis of some signal that something exists. So when I commit sin, due to limitations of my senses, my five sense organs do not allow me to know if any of your creature is seeing (looking at) me. But due to hundreds of phenomena taking place every single moment on this earth, I can witness Your existence as they are signals for my senses to verify your control over it. Hence, You and I see me commit sin. And this is between us, no one else.

Can you forgive what is between us, please? I am really sorry and feeling embarrassment that I do every bad deed after knowing it.

I am embarrassed because I know it. I am embarrassed because I enjoy Your every bounties. I am embarrassed I feel blessed every times, however, I do what You forbade to do. I am embarrassed because I have no right to repeat the same mistake.

I do not want to be embarrassed on the day of judgement in front of entire humanity (the all people)

Today I am embarrassed in front of you. So I am willing to be forgiven, YA ALLAH!

—A great sinner, me!

22/07/2018.                              Letter No. 7

Intimate God!
Thank you for good morning!

I am feeling blessed this morning. Today, I woke up with broken heart because of untrue love in my dream. Then rays of love and affection from Thee comes and enters me through the part which was paining in the heart. Which heals me as good as it was never broken. As Rumi said, “The light comes through the wound.”

Then I realised the true love of Thee, which never speaks to me but feels good to me and this sweet feelings make my day.

Thank You once again!
I whisper, I talk in the heart!

25/07/2018.                              Letter No. 8

Oh Allah…

Help me follow you. Help me follow your path. Help me follow your messenger.

Gratitude is to Thee who makes me feel better- the heavenly feeling. Thou made me understand how badly and madly I need You. There is no security in the life of man except Thee. Paradise is heavenly feeling of heart.

The goal is neither to enter the Paradise nor to stay away from the Hell. The goal is to get to Allah in Duniya and Akhirah. Those who got to Allah in Duniya, have got the world turned into paradise for them. Those who get to Allah in Akhirat, will make paradise over there. Paradise refers not property, paradise refers heavenly feeling of the heart.

26/10/2018.                              Letter No. 9

Dear Almighty!

You brought me up with the whole universe. Every particle was made to dedicate in helping me out. Some of them seemed to be better/pleasant/comfortable and some were bitter/unpleasant. Today I realise all were the necessary part in upbringing me. Today I say thanks to all those who participated in making and shaping of the personality that I have today. Although, they all were arranged by You, they deserved to be thanked and to get grace from You in compensation of what they did for me. I thank them all as they were the direct participation and I am grateful to Thee who made all arrangement for me.

Please convey my thanks to those who helped me in my upbringing as I do not have contacts of all but You have direct connection with them all. Convey my thanks in your communicative ways.

With love,

12/11/2018.                              Letter No. 10

Arsh (the divine seat)
7th Sky, Universe

All praise is due to Thee, oh Omnipresent & Omniscient,

I am amazed in the complicated system and overwhelmed with the information of this broad universe wherever I go for finding or picking up the best things in this range of varieties. I feel immature amongst judging the things best available. I am confused and fearful of getting cheated. I am also a person of desire but a desire to be satisfied lawfully. I have a desire to get the best out of everything and I do not want to waste my time in worldly desire. I want my time to be used in productive work which can prove fruitful in the life here and hereafter.

Therefore, I want You to provide me/help me avail the best out of everything in the first place and in the first time. I am Your innocent bondsman.

With love,

18/11/2018.                              Letter No. 11

The All, The Whole, The Entire!
Rabbe Kaaba, Rabbil Arsil Azeem!
The One who never deny to love!
The One who never forget to forgive!

I am in the same line to love You back. My love for You just shrink and expand for the time being but never decreases. Sometimes I show it to Thee and sometimes I just feel it.

Because of the pressure of the sin (that I disobeyed You) I do not find me confident enough to face You, to talk to You in my heart.

When it is too late to remember my sin, I find myself confident stablished enough to have conversation with Thee. The big gap of time causes the memory of sin to fade away but some time, it results into keeping me out of track.

Dear Almighty, It is extremely necessary to talk to Thee everyday.


09/12/2018.                              Letter No. 12

Dear Allah,

If You had not chosen me as an Assistant Professor, I would have been the victim of ‘what next’. People would ask me why I was not doing anything if I am always suggesting everyone to do this and that. This was really a great achievement at this point in time. I wish I would be upgrading. Now I feel I can teach at any leading university of the world.

I want to share one more thing which boosted me a lot-that is being in Your presence, feeling Your presence has always made me strong. I hope I can always feel Your presence till the time of departure from the world.

Something which has always break me down is hope, expectation, compassion, unavailability on appointment, lies, cheat of the people. I am successful since when I become completely emotionally detached from people and things. I am normalised now. I want to never be degraded and always upgraded in my life, which is only possible by Your push from behind. Your help turns the whole universal system compatible to me. Everybody turn affectionate towards me.

With lots of Love,

15/01/2019.                             Letter No. 13

Dear Sustainer,

I am blessed too much to realise to the extent. Still, I am a sinner, no doubt. I have no right to ask for goodness but when I need it I have no other door to knock at except Yours. I have trust on no one to suffice or satisfy my needs except Thou.

Dear God! I am not feeling well nowadays. The heavenly feeling that I was blessed with has been faded away. I feel hollowness in my heart. I feel lonely being around everyone, I am not feeling contented. I am tired of TMU and my friend also. I find it difficult to write my PhD synopsis and I am eager to get admission. My friends are also wishing me to have a government job. I pray to Thee through this letter to solve all these issues and make me contented.

With Love,

13/03/2019.                              Letter No. 14

The All Power
The Supreme Power

After a long communication gap, I came to seek what I should have sought earlier in written. Although, You do not need to be informed about anything, I like to write to Thee about all my situations.

No doubt, You helped me when I was helpless through means which I never expected. I always hope and rely on You but I am fearful because of my deeds.

You opened all the doors of success for me when I had none to take help from. Instead of me going to options, options come to me to choose from.

Ya Allah! Again I am in urgent need of ideas and skills to get admission in PhD. I must not go to someone but to Thee for help.


07/04/2020.                             Letter No. 15

Oh my Loving Allah!

Do You know my intention to serve the belongings and humanity as a philanthropist, as a freelance professor and as an entrepreneur? Do You know all I want to enjoy is to live fully and let live fully? Do You know I want to explore the world for being amazed by Your creation and praise You in each of my conversation? Do You know I want all Your blessings through the right paths?

Do You know why I want to be billionaire in the least time? Do You know why I want my business to be maxed out in the least time? Do You know why I want my Love as early as possible? All these questions are to let You know I want to live an ideal lifestyle in a lawful way and can get rid away of sins at maximum times.

So that I can lead the people the right path, at least those who are influenced by me; so that I can be helping hand for hundreds of thousands of people by being rich in money and knowledge; so that people can listen to me as if they are listening to someone who is financially free as well as knowledgeable, educated and highest degree holder.

You are here tonight to announce that You are happy to bless today. Please, I beg You all the wishes made above, questions written above, and dreams. Accept all of these. Ameen!

Me, nothing,

23/04/2022.                              Letter No. 16

Ya Allah!

You have created Humans with immense creativity which is, of course, the reflection of the power of You, being the Creator. Every human being has something and a form of energy and every human being has a void of something. They struggle to get what they haven’t with the help of what they have. What is most trembling is their decisions are influenced by those living by side; that is the society they live in until the moment they recognise You and Your creativity in them, until they have complete reliance on You and Your miracle, until they have all hopes only from You.

Guide me on the pathways You have created for me. Make me incurious about everything that does not belong to my destiny. Ameen!

Your Love,
A part of Your creation.

24/04/2022.                             Letter No. 17

Dear Allah,

You have blessed me with great understanding of anything; categorically Deen wo Duniya. I am fearful to be answerable to the questions of Akhirah, specially the one that is perplexing in my mind right now, “As per your knowledge how did you act?”

Sin is inevitable as long as I have experienced. You know about our body better than us: How does it react? Why does it not allow to follow what is good for us? The conflict between what our soul wants and what our body wants, always put the man in trouble. It always frightens me when I think about how much I follow of what I know. Dear Allah! Guide us on the road that leads to success of the worlds that You created. Dear Rab! Guide us to be successful in the life here and hereafter.


25/04/2022.                              Letter No. 18

Thy Presence,
Ya Rabbe Kreem!

With the abundance of Your blessings upon me, I realised why I always wanted to go to Jungle or any secluded place where people can not socialise with me. I always felt that void that You created in my heart. I always wanted to talk to You. Today, in Ehtekaaf, I feel I do not need jungle or any seclusion. I just need detachment of this world from my heart in order to properly connect to You, the frequency, the resonance required to connect to Your presence, requires us the complete detachment of worldly benefits. It does not require a particular place, a jungle, or a vacant room or a mosque but the detachment of all the people and things from the heart. Your presence requires a pure heart.

Thank You for helping me to these realisations.

28/04/2022.                              Letter No. 19

YA Razzaq!

You have blessed me with huge amount of knowledge of how money works and I also impart this knowledge to the people of my generation. Over the period of time I have understood that life is fixed and Rizk is limited, no matter what amount of inflow and outflow do we play with. With good knowledge of Money, one can use it to make Akhirat better. That’s what my purpose of getting rich is. Ya Razzaq! Make me the best player in the game of money making and money flowing so that I can serve my Ukhravi purpose by helping people with the vision I want.

Dear Allah, You know everything in my heart. I do not need to explain in detail. Please help me accomplish all my goals.

Your servant,

28/04/2022.                              Letter No. 20

Thy Presence, The Supreme Power,
The Almighty!

There is some spirit which haunts me in my dream. That makes me fly, straighten, stretched long, cry at the loudest, and appears in the forms of nude girls. When I am awaken, it makes me cry over and over again. It also sucks my blood, consumes my energy, and what not. Ya Allah. I am completely troubled with by its misuse of power that You have given them. I am not powerful enough to fight back. I just have You to play a role on my behalf everywhere. I believe You can not let me be harmed by any of the evil power. How can it be possible without Your release that anything can harm? Without Your knowledge, nothing can take place. You are All Knowing! Ya Allah Jalla Jalalahu, wa Amma Nawalahu! Remove, please, all the spiritual powers haunting me while sleeping and while I am awake.

Help Ya Allah!


11/05/22.                              Letter No. 21

Dear Allah,

Thank you for giving me everything that give me peace and ease my life. Some of the things which I must mention are very lovely: IPad, my special water bottle, my special shoes, and my leather shoulder bag. How can I forget some good people who gifted me with their love and affection. Even this diary which I use to thank everyone is gifted by a very special friend and person of good heart. I love You Allah and I love all the good people that You have blessed me with. I continue enjoying my Quechua jacket and electric kettle and one beautiful blacket. My special thermal bottle which I carry all the way along suffice my need of water at every regular interval of time-frame. This special satchel carries my phone, IPad, wallet, diary and pen all together that soothes my soul. I do not tire by walking on soft leather shoes for about four years. Most of all, the peace that You have blessed me with, behind every material products that I use-that is very special to me; The spirituality behind material world.

Thank You for everything.

14/05/2022.                             Letter No. 22

Dear Allah,

I do rely on You for everything: worldly or heavenly. I can not succeed without Your support in any aspect of life. I know that but, still, I am often misled by myself or satanic attack on my thought process. I am now thinking to surrender myself to Your worship. I want to now put all worldly matter upon You to take care. I am now thinking to work for Ukhrwi purpose. You did not create us with the validity published on forehead. I do not know when to die or when to be ready to return to You as life is a journey from Allah to Allah. Guide me, help me, and support me in heavenly as well as worldly success. Keep me away from being misled.

Yours Slave,

10/06/2022.                              Letter No. 23

Dear God,

It’s been thirty years since my parents are looking my way and praying for me. In this age, I have not done anything for them. Now, they are old enough not to visit me and they just wish me the best fortune. One thing that they have been looking for, is if there is a way to pilgrim to Haj, they must do. Could I afford to finance them? Could I make their dream come true? No, of course not. But yes, if You can help me afford to finance their Haj and also compensate fifteen lakhs to my trustees.

Please help me succeed enough to fund all these liabilities.

Yours sinner slave,

01/08/2022                            Letter No. 24

Dear Allah,
I know You know all that I am going through, nowadays. Not a single thing under the sun is out of Your notice, I know and believe. I also believe that everything on this planet has already been destined to us. All the efforts we put in are just part of Your continuous assessment. No failure or success in this world is important. What is important is all the hardwork and intention we put through,  and that will be compensated in the life hereafter. That is why I do not want to ask You for anything for these worldly needs. I want You to take care of all I need and that I am aspired for, without waiting for me asking you for all those things. I just want to keep praying and asking for better life hereafter.

Thanks with regards,
Your sinful bondsman,
Rashid Richmind

20/04/2023                            Letter No. 25

Ya Habibi Ya Allah!
Ya Rabbi,

Make me incurious about everything that do not belong to my destiny.
I want to die in prostration of Salat-ul-Tahajjud in Lailatul qadr on Friday while having Ehtekaaf in Masjid-e-Nabvi.


13/05/2023                            Letter No. 26

Ya Habibi Ya Allah!
Ya Rabbi,

I am extremely having a joy of fulfillment today. Thanks infinitely! You solved all my problems and I feel like Allah has paved the way for all that I prayed for. Now, I can see all the dots are getting connected to realize the vision that I have envisioned long back. If I prostrated the rest of my life in your presence, it would not be enough to thank you for all that you have accepted in my Dua. 

Yours indebted,
Rashid Richmind

Man works throughout his life for being accepted in the society but in the last hours of his life he wants God to accept him.

...by Rashid Richmind