My Mentors

Let's not forget those who amalgamated to create my personality. I must give credit to all of these people for their consistent efforts. These are the people who's company I live in remotely. I spend most of my time with each of them.

Those who shaped my spiritual being:
  1. Mufti Taqi Usmani Sahab
  2. Dr Israr Ahmad Sahab
  3. Peer Zulfikar Naqsbandi sahab
  4. Maulana Tariq Jameel Sahab
  5. Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi Sahab,
  6. Noaman Ali Sahab
  7. Mufti Menk Sahab

Those who shaped my emotional being:
  1. Stephen Covey
  2. Dale Carnegie
  3. Simeon Sneak
  4. Shive Kheda
  5. Daniel Golman
  6. Allama Iqbal Sahab

Those who shaped my social being:
  1. Brack Obama
  2. Qasim Ali Shah
  3. Dr. Jawed Iqbal
  4. Munawar Zama Sahab
  5. Sir Ken Robinson
  6. Yuval Noah Harari
  7. Trevor Noah
  8. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  9. Steve Harvey
  10. Oprah Winfrey

Those who shaped my entrepreneurial spirit & mindset:
  1. Robert T. Kyosaki
  2. Steve Jobs
  3. Bill Gates
  4. Elon Musk
  5. Mark Zuckerberg
  6. Jeff Bezos
  7. Jack Ma
  8. Warren Buffett
  9. Raj Shamani Podcast (Figuring out)

Those who shaped my intellectual being:

  1. Many TED & TEDx presenters
  2. Nobel Laureates of each year on Nobel Prize YouTube Channel
  3. All my unrecognized fellow human beings including my teachers in academia and my comrades

Man works throughout his life for being accepted in the society but in the last hours of his life he wants God to accept him. Rashid Richmind