Dental College & Research Centre

B.D.S 1st 2018-19                  College Website

Session 2018-19 : Yearly Plan

 Notice Board 
Class Schedule:

TMU Diary
Lecture No:
5th (2:00-3:00)PM

Lecture Theater-II, 5F

Strength: 60

Extra Assignments for personality development:

  1. submission of 2 minutes video recording for analysis and being played on projected screen
  2. submission of audio recording to check contents organisation and delivery.
  3. making of questions in the classroom to check students' critical thinking and knowledge.
  4. One individual and group PowerPoint presentation to get them skilled in presentation.
  5. Viva to assess their individual levels of skills and knowledge.

Man works throughout his life for being accepted in the society but in the last hours of his life he wants God to accept him. Rashid Richmind