B.Tech. (EE) 1st 2018-19

Session 2018-19 : Even Semester
Notice Board

1-For Mid-Sem viva you are supposed to prepare 50 words given on the syllabus Click here

Class Schedule:
Lecture No:
4th (11:45-12:40)AM
4th (11:45-12:40)AM
5-6th (1:30-3:10)PM

Strength: 10                Download Syllabi


30 Marks for Internal Assessment have been divided as following:

10-Marks- 1 written assignment on typical life at TMU and One written example of 50 words given on the syllabus: each of 5 marks.
10-Marks- Completion of the app Learn English Grammar by BBC
10-Marks- One CT for 5 marks and One PPT presentation for 5 marks

Extra Assignments for personality development:

  1. submission of 2 minutes video recording for analysis and being played on projected screen
  2. submission of audio recording to check contents organisation and delivery.
  3. making of questions in the classroom to check students' critical thinking and knowledge.
  4. One individual and group PowerPoint presentation to get them skilled in presentation.
  5. Viva to assess their individual levels of skills and knowledge.

 Syllabus Hyperlinked: 

Objectives: 1. To enhance the vocabulary of learners to address competitive exams like GATE 2. To develop ability of sentence construction. 3. To enhance learner’s writing ability. 4. To make the learner effective in presenting himself/herself

English Communication and Soft Skills-II

Unit – I Vocabulary & Grammar (14 hours)
 Parts of Speech, Modals, Tenses and Simple sentence construction.

Unit – II Listening Skills (05 hours) https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/listening
 Difference between listening & hearing, Types of Listening, Process
 Importance and Barriers to listening

Unit – III Writing Skills (08 hours)
 Letters and Email writing https://www.writeexpress.com/topics.html
 Story Narration

Unit – IV Strategies & Structure of Presentation and Problem Sounds (13 hours)
 Managing Time, Audience & Locale, Structure and Organization of Content and 5 W’s
 Problem Sounds: S- Sh, J-Z and V-B

Reference Books:
 Nesfield J.C. “English Grammar Composition & Usage” Macmillan Publishers
 Sood Madan “The Business letters” Goodwill Publishing House, New Delhi
 Kumar Sanjay &Pushplata “Communication Skills” Oxford University Press, New Delhi.

Session 2018-19 : Odd Semester

Class Schedule:
Lecture No:
4th (11:45-12:40)AM
4th (11:45-12:40)AM
5-6th (1:30-3:10)PM

Strength: 10


40 Marks for Internal Assessment have been divided as following:

10-Marks- Confidence Development (Unexpected Activity and Questions)
10-Marks- PPT/Paper/Oral presentation on chosen topics (Country, Personality, Books etc.)
10-Marks- Teaching on given topics (from Syllabus) 
10-Marks- Interpretation of videos being played with sounds paused. 

 Syllabus Hyperlinked: 

Objectives: 1. To remove the phobia of conversing in English. 2. To make the learners enable to express themselves among peers & teachers. 3. To enable students, improve their vocabulary. 4. To introduce them with basic communicative skills in real life situations

English Communication and Soft Skills – I

Unit – I Fear of Failure, Reasons of Fear of Failure & How to overcome it (12 hours)
  1. Self-Introduction
  2. Identifying strengths and weakness
  3. Fear of Failure: Signs of Fear of Failure, Reasons of Fear of Failure, Strategies to overcome Fear of Failure
  4. Positive Attitude
  5. Motivation
  6. Building Self Confidence
Unit – II Confidence, Presentability, Etiquettes & Manners (10 hours)
  1. Body Language: Facial Expression, Eye Contact, Gesture, Posture, Tips to have appropriate body language
  2. Grooming & Dressing Sense
  3. Etiquette & Manners: Social Etiquettes, Telephonic Etiquettes, Dining Etiquettes, Etiquettes to
  4. handle cultural differences, Etiquettes of Effective Conversation.
  5. Problem Sounds (s-sh,j-z,v-b)
Unit – III Conversation Practice, commonly made mistake & Initiating a conversation (10 hours)
  1. Vocabulary of commonly used words (50 Words)
  2. Conversation Practice: At College, At Bank, At Ticket Counter (Railway Station & Movie Theater)
  3. How to initiate a conversation
  4. Commonly made mistakes in conversation
  5. Basic of Communication: 7Cs of Communication
Unit – IV Application writing (08 hours)
  1. Format & Style of Application Writing
  2. Practice of Application writing on common issues.
Reference Books:
 Mitra, Barun. K. “Personality Development and Soft skills” New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
 Kumar, Sanjay. &Pushp Lata. “Communication Skills” New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
 Carnegie Dale. “How to win Friends and Influence People” New York: Simon & Schuster.
 Harris, Thomas. A. “I am ok, You are ok” New York: Harper and Row.
 Coleman, Daniel. “Emotional Intelligence” Bantam Book.Reference Books:

Man works throughout his life for being accepted in the society but in the last hours of his life he wants God to accept him.

...by Rashid Richmind