Co-ordination with Local Teachers

In addition to conducting lectures during the Master Classes, I actively participated in classroom lessons alongside the pedagogues. This hands-on approach allowed me to demonstrate the practical application of the teaching methodologies discussed in the master class. By immersing myself in the classroom environment, I provided firsthand examples of how these methods can be effectively implemented. This experiential learning opportunity reinforced the theoretical concepts and empowered local pedagogues to confidently apply these methods in their classrooms. Ultimately, the aim was to bridge the gap between theory and practice, ensuring that local English Teachers were equipped with actionable strategies for enhanced teaching effectiveness.

Activities conducted during the class are as follows:
  1. Played Uzbek Short Uzbek Storie and asked to interpret orally in English
  2. Asked to envision, then draw the picture and then translate the picture into words
  3. Off-Class assignments were given to be as a local tourist guide.
  4. In-class assignments were given to present on PowerPoint as well as a poster presentation
  5. Picture-to-story and story-to-picture activities were conducted
  6. EFL games on different language aspects were played on the Smart Board
  7. etc.

Man works throughout his life for being accepted in the society but in the last hours of his life he wants God to accept him. Rashid Richmind