B.Tech (ME) II 2018-19

Session 2018-19 : Even Semester 

Notice Board

Class Schedule:
Lecture No:
6th (2:20-3:10)PM
3-4th (10:50-12:40)AM
3rd (10:50-11:45)AM

Strength: 40                                                                             Download Syllabi

30 Marks for Internal Assessment have been divided as following:

10-Marks- Completion of the app Learn English Grammar byBBC
10-Marks- PowerPoint presentation one in groups and one in individual
10-Marks- Written Test in the class.

Extra Assignments for personality development:

  1. submission of 2 minutes video recording for analysis and being played on projected screen
  2. submission of audio recording to check contents organisation and delivery.
  3. making of questions in the classroom to check students' critical thinking and knowledge.
  4. One individual and group PowerPoint presentation to get them skilled in presentation.
  5. Viva to assess their individual levels of skills and knowledge.

 Syllabus Hyperlinked: 


  1. To enable the learners to upgrade their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary to address competitive exams like GATE.
  2. To enable the learner to improve their listening.
  3. To enable the learners to improvise their voice modulation in reading and speaking.
  4. To enable the learners to enhance their writing and comprehensive skills in English
  5. To enable the learners to proactively participate in activities in situational context.

English Communication and Soft Skills-III

Unit – I Grammar & Vocabulary (14 hours)
 Correction of Common Errors (with recap of English Grammar with its usage in practical context.)
 Transformation of sentences
 Commonly used Idiom & Phrases (Progressive learning whole semester)

Unit – II Essence of Effective listening & speaking (12 hours) https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/listening
 Listening short conversation/ recording (TED talks / Speeches by eminent personalities)
Critical Review of these above mentioned
 Voice Modulation: Five P’s - Pace, Power, Pronunciation, Pause, and Pitch.
 Impromptu
 Power Point Presentation (PPt) Skills: Nuances of presenting PPTs

Unit – III Reading and Comprehension Skills (08 hours)

 Strategies of Reading comprehension: Four S’s
 How to solve a Comprehension (Short unseen passage: 150-200 words)
 Reading Newspaper (Progressive learning whole semester)

Unit – IV Writing Skills (06 hours)
 Essentials of a paragraph
 Paragraph writing (100-120 words)

Reference Books:
1. Allen, W. “Living English Structure” Pearson Education, New Delhi.
2. Joseph, Dr C.J. & Myall E.G. “A Comprehensive Grammar of Current English” Inter University Press,Delhi
3. Wren & Martin “High School English Grammar and Composition” S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Norman Lewis “Word Power Made Easy” Goyal Publications & Distributers, New Delhi.
5. Chaudhary, Sarla “Basic Concept of Professional Communication” Dhanpat Rai Publication, New Delhi.
6. Kumar Sanjay & Pushplata “Communication Skills” Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
7. Agrawal, Malti “Professional Communication” Krishana Prakashan Media (P) Ltd. Meerut.

Man works throughout his life for being accepted in the society but in the last hours of his life he wants God to accept him.

...by Rashid Richmind