University Students' Classes

Undergraduate students majoring in philology from multiple universities participate in weekly sessions aimed at enriching their pedagogical knowledge and skills in preparation for their future roles as educators. Throughout these sessions, I deliver lectures and presentations focusing on the fundamental competencies and duties associated with teaching. Additionally, I provide insights into the effective utilization of AI and technology in educational contexts and explore various teaching methodologies. These classes serve as a forum for fostering a holistic understanding of the teaching profession and equipping aspiring educators with the necessary expertise and resources to proficiently navigate the dynamic landscape of education.
Following are some clips from the sessions:

Activities conducted during training are as follows:
  1. Played videos with sound paused and asked for inter-semiotic translation
  2. Had teachers read books loudly to work on pronunciation
  3. The teachers were given different situations to report in written language to diagnose their grammatical weaknesses.
  4. Assignments were given to speak on camera and record videos
  5. PowerPoint Presentation to develop their presentation skills
  6. Technology-led education was my primary focus in training
  7. etc.

Man works throughout his life for being accepted in the society but in the last hours of his life he wants God to accept him. Rashid Richmind